Unhappy Meal? Rutland resists McDonald’s plans to open a new drive-thru

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The people of Rutland are split on the proposals, which would mean it will be the last county in England to get a McDonald’s.

Unhappy Meal? Rutland resists McDonald's plans to open a new drive-thru

    There are two things that Rutland residents are especially proud of: being England’s smallest county, and being the only county that doesn’t have a McDonald’s.

    But after spending years resisting the rise of fast food restaurants, all of that might be about to change.

    McDonald’s has recently submitted a planning application to open a drive-thru on the outskirts of Oakham, Rutland’s main town.

    Some residents are excited at the prospect of having Big Macs and McNuggets at their fingertips – not to mention the jobs that a new business would create.

    But others have formally raised objections to McDonald’s plans – fearful that the drive-thru could cause increasing levels of traffic, litter and anti-social behaviour.

    Rutland County Council has said it is still considering the application, and does not know when it will be able to make a decision on the proposals.

    So… how fast can the people of Rutland get their fast food fix at the moment? We’ve taken a look:

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