First all-female spacewalk back on six months after embarrassing cancellation

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The giant leap for womankind had to be delayed because NASA didn’t have time to get a second medium-sized spacesuit ready.

First all-female spacewalk back on six months after embarrassing cancellation

    The first all-female spacewalk is back on, six months after a flap over spacesuits led to an embarrassing cancellation.

    The International Space Station’s two women will pair up for the walk later this month, NASA announced on Friday.

    Christina Koch and the newly-arrived Jessica Meir will venture out on 21 October to plug in new batteries.

    It will be the fourth of five spacewalks involving battery work.

    The first is this Sunday, when Ms Koch will go out with a male colleague.

First all-female spacewalk back on six months after embarrassing cancellation

    Ms Koch was supposed to go spacewalking with Anne McClain on 29 March, but NASA scrapped the plan because there wasn’t time to get a second medium-sized spacesuit ready.

    NASA’s deputy chief astronaut Megan McArthur says the first-female spacewalk will be a milestone worth celebrating.

    The space station uses solar panels to generate power, but the batteries are used when it is in the dark and not getting power from the sun.

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