Best and worst cities to drive in: London scores low but Birmingham is better

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The study examined various factors that affect motorists, including infrastructure, congestion and driver behaviour.

Best and worst cities to drive in: London scores low but Birmingham is better

    A worldwide study has revealed the best and worst cities to drive in.

    Mister Auto’s 2019 Driving Cities Index looked at which of the world’s cities have the safest roads, and which are the most dangerous for motorists.

    It also took into account the number of cars per capita, fuel costs, air quality and public transport.

    Birmingham is the best out of the 10 British cities in the list of 100, ranking 27th due to low congestion, high road quality and excellent petrol affordability.

    Manchester, which came 44th, has the fewest fatalities per 100,000.

    London came 77th in the list because of high congestion.

    The spare car parts and accessories retailer examined various factors that affect motorists on the roads, including infrastructure and congestion, and driver behaviour.

    The rankings for the other UK cities were Glasgow (30), Liverpool (32), Leeds (37), Belfast (41), Bristol (50), Brighton (64), Edinburgh (68).

    The most dangerous roads were measured by “road rage score” and “Fatality rate per 100,000 inhabitants”.

    The road rage score was calculated by asking drivers of different ages if they had seen or experienced incidents of road rage.

    The study found that Ulaanbaatar in Mongolia had the worst problem with road rage, with a score of 99.12.

    It also had a death rate of 16.5 per 100,000 inhabitants.

    Moscow came second, with a road rage score of 98.46.

    Osaka in Japan was found to have the calmest drivers with a road rage score of just 1 and a fatality rate of 3.20 per 100,000.

    Top five cities with the worst cases of road rage
    1. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
    2. Moscow, Russia
    3. Karachi, Pakistan
    4. Kolkata, India
    5. Lagos, Nigeria

    The best cities for driving
    1. Calgary, Canada
    2. Dubai, UAE
    3. Ottawa, Canada
    4. Bern, Switzerland
    5. El Paso, USA

    The worst cities for driving
    1. Mumbai, India
    2. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
    3. Kolkata, India
    4. Lagos, Nigeria
    5. Karachi, Pakistan

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