Back-to-school shopping tips: How to save money on supplies, technology, clothes and more

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Back-to-school shopping tips: How to save money on supplies, technology, clothes and more

Use Cartwheel to save money at Target. (Photo: Kelly Tyko, USA TODAY)

Price matching

    One of the easiest ways to grab a deal – and avoid driving to multiple stores – is by price matching. Read store policies, which outline how to request a match both at the store and online.Some retailers, like Kohl’s, require you to bring the physical newspaper advertisements to the customer service desk for a price match. Others allow you to price match competitors’ online prices, including Amazon.Timing matters. The price usually has to be valid at the time of match, and the item has to be in stock by the competitor.It has to be an identical item, brand name, size and model number. For online prices, third-party sellers are excluded.Beware of other exclusions. Target, for instance, notes competitor doorbusters and lightning sales are excluded.When in doubt, ask to speak to a store manager.Some stores will offer online price matching by chat or by calling.

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Back-to-school shopping tips: How to save money on supplies, technology, clothes and more

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Back-to-school shopping tips: How to save money on supplies, technology, clothes and more

Target’s new More Than Magic girls tween brand will be available in stores and online starting July 13. TargetFullscreen

Back-to-school shopping tips: How to save money on supplies, technology, clothes and more

Target’s new More Than Magic girls tween brand will be available in stores and online starting July 13. TargetFullscreen

Back-to-school shopping tips: How to save money on supplies, technology, clothes and more

Target’s new More Than Magic girls tween brand will be available in stores and online starting July 13. TargetFullscreen

Back-to-school shopping tips: How to save money on supplies, technology, clothes and more

Target’s new More Than Magic girls tween brand will be available in stores and online starting July 13. TargetFullscreen

Back-to-school shopping tips: How to save money on supplies, technology, clothes and more

Target’s new More Than Magic girls tween brand will be available in stores and online starting July 13. TargetFullscreen

Back-to-school shopping tips: How to save money on supplies, technology, clothes and more

Target’s new More Than Magic girls tween brand will be available in stores and online starting July 13. TargetFullscreen

Back-to-school shopping tips: How to save money on supplies, technology, clothes and more

Target’s new More Than Magic girls tween brand will be available in stores and online starting July 13. TargetFullscreen

Back-to-school shopping tips: How to save money on supplies, technology, clothes and more

Target’s new More Than Magic girls tween brand will be available in stores and online starting July 13. TargetFullscreen

Back-to-school shopping tips: How to save money on supplies, technology, clothes and more

Target’s new More Than Magic girls tween brand will be available in stores and online starting July 13. TargetFullscreen

Back-to-school shopping tips: How to save money on supplies, technology, clothes and more

Target’s new More Than Magic girls tween brand will be available in stores and online starting July 13. TargetFullscreen

Back-to-school shopping tips: How to save money on supplies, technology, clothes and more

Target’s new More Than Magic girls tween brand will be available in stores and online starting July 13. TargetFullscreen

Back-to-school shopping tips: How to save money on supplies, technology, clothes and more

Target’s new More Than Magic girls tween brand will be available in stores and online starting July 13. TargetFullscreen

Back-to-school shopping tips: How to save money on supplies, technology, clothes and more

Target’s new More Than Magic girls tween brand will be available in stores and online starting July 13. TargetFullscreen


    Back-to-school shopping tips: How to save money on supplies, technology, clothes and more

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    Back-to-school shopping tips: How to save money on supplies, technology, clothes and more

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    Back-to-school shopping tips: How to save money on supplies, technology, clothes and more

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    Back-to-school shopping tips: How to save money on supplies, technology, clothes and more

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    Back-to-school shopping tips: How to save money on supplies, technology, clothes and more

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    Back-to-school shopping tips: How to save money on supplies, technology, clothes and more

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    Back-to-school shopping tips: How to save money on supplies, technology, clothes and more

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    Back-to-school shopping tips: How to save money on supplies, technology, clothes and more

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    Back-to-school shopping tips: How to save money on supplies, technology, clothes and more

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    Back-to-school shopping tips: How to save money on supplies, technology, clothes and more

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    Back-to-school shopping tips: How to save money on supplies, technology, clothes and more

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    Back-to-school shopping tips: How to save money on supplies, technology, clothes and more

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    Back-to-school shopping tips: How to save money on supplies, technology, clothes and more

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Receipt reminders

Always check your receipt before leaving the store. You should also keep receipts for:

    Easier exchanges or returns. If the store is out of a size or a color you want, see if you can exchange the item for the right size and color once it’s in stock.Price adjustments. If an item you bought goes on sale within the week or two after, some stores will credit you the difference.For submitting rebates. If you buy an item that’s eligible for a rebate, make sure to submit the rebate or it won’t be a good deal. If you’re not going to follow through, consider looking for another sale.Digitize the receipts using apps like Receipt Hog and ReceiptPal, which also helps track spending and reward you for your purchases.

Stocking up

    In the days leading up to the new school year as well as the days after the year begins, stores will have some of the best prices on essentials such as notebook paper and notebooks.Stock up to avoid having to pay full price in the middle of the school year.Consider donating extra school supplies to a school supply drive.In a few weeks, plan to shop clearance racks when school supplies and clothes will be marked down. For young children, buy the next size in clothes when the price is right.


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