Airline launches seat alert to help passengers avoid crying babies

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Passengers on Japan Airlines are being given the opportunity to select seats away from those reserved for babies up to age two.

Airline launches seat alert to help passengers avoid crying babies

    The nightmare of being stuck on a long-haul flight with a constantly crying baby nearby could be a thing of the past for people travelling in and out of Japan.

    Japan Airlines (JAL) has introduced an online booking tool that indicates where babies and toddlers are seated.

    If passengers with children aged between eight days and two years old reserve their seat, a child icon will appear in the aeroplane plan – giving passengers who have not selected their seats the opportunity to sit further away.

    However, the airline was keen to point out that the new feature does not guarantee passengers will be out of earshot of a screaming child.

    It also said the icon would not appear if passengers book their flights through a third party or are part of a tour group, or if there is a last-minute change of aircraft.

    JAL’s move has been praised by some social media users.

    “Thank you, @JAL_Official_jp for warnings me about where babies plan to scream and yell during a 13 hour trip,” one businessman, tweeted. “This really ought to be mandatory across the board.”

    However, others on Twitter accused people of being intolerant.

    One user said: “They are babies, as we all once were. We need to learn tolerance or will soon start needing a map of seat locations for mouth breathers, droolers, farters, drunks, and perhaps a lot more things in life.”

    Another said: “I used to feel and say exactly what you have just said – but after having my own son, I am very sympathetic to parents travelling with kids.

    “If you’re not happy with a screaming child in the cabin, then I am more than happy for you to try and reason with them.”

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