6 Remedies To Get Rid Large Pores

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Open pores are one of the main aesthetic problems that can affect our face, also favoring the appearance of pimples and other imperfections.

Luckily there are ways to reduce or close the enlarged pores, either with simple tricks that you can do at home or with homemade facial masks.

In this article we tell you what problems entail having open pores and how to close them with 6 home remedies for your face, which will help you tighten the skin and keep it clean.

Open pores or large pores on the face are an unsightly problem that is sometimes difficult to conceal, being one of the most common imperfections on the face and that can most affect the skin.

The opening of the pores can be due to a lack of hydration of the skin , a bad cleansing of the face, lack of exfoliation, a bad diet, the aging of the skin, an excess of sun or bad habits such as smoking or lack of exercise .

Open pores, in addition to being unsightly, can be a major problem for the health of the skin and face, since in this way they accumulate dirt more easily and annoying blackheads and pimples or pimples can form . The latter are precisely the result of an infection produced in the very open pores where excess sebum has accumulated.

To prevent this from happening, here are several habits that can help you keep open pores clean, thus preventing the appearance of these imperfections.

How to close Large pores in 4 tips

Apart from the remedies for open pores, we tell you how to prevent them and how to keep them clean , to prevent dirt from accumulating and leading to major problems for your skin.

1. Steam bath
While heat helps open pores, a steam bath every week will help keep them clean of sebum and debris that can accumulate in them. Simply boil water in a saucepan and place on top with a towel, so that all the resulting steam cleanses your face.

2. Face cleaning
Maintaining a cleaning routine every morning, even if only with water, will help keep your pores clean daily , thus avoiding the accumulation of impurities that can clog them and cause them to not close.

3. Exfoliation
An exfoliation once or twice a week will also prevent excess waste that can keep pores dirty . In this way you will prevent an excess of dead skin cells from clogging the pores, thus avoiding pimples and pimples.

4. Hydrate it
Dehydration is one of the causes of open pores , so maintaining a good daily hydration of the face will help reduce its appearance. Do not forget to drink your recommended 2 liters of water daily and use moisturizers to keep the skin smooth and free of imperfections.

6 home remedies for open pores

Apart from keeping them clean, there are ways to close or reduce open or large pores , through cheap and easy-to-prepare home remedies that will help you keep your skin healthy and clean from imperfections. We’ll tell you next.

1. Egg white
One of the most effective ways to close open pores is with eggs, more specifically clear. The egg stretches and tones the skin of the face , so that it helps shrink the size of the enlarged pores.

You can prepare an egg white mask, taking the egg white and adding two tablespoons of oatmeal and lemon juice. Mix it to form a paste and apply it on the face for half an hour. Rinse with cold water and voila!

2. Sodium bicarbonate
Baking soda is another remedy for open pores that you can easily use at home . To do this you just need to make a paste with two tablespoons of baking soda and two others of warm water. You apply it on the area where you have the most open pores and massage for a minute. Rinse with cold water and enjoy clean pores and free of impurities.

3. Ice
The cold of the ice helps to tighten the skin and close the pores directly , so this remedy is ideal for use after your facial cleanses and exfoliations, ensuring that you do not plug any pores.

Just take some ice cubes and keep them several seconds over the area with more presence of pores on the face.

6 Remedies To Get Rid Large Pores

4. Honey
Honey is also beneficial for closing open pores and keeping them clean and free of infections, since it is a potent antibacterial.

We can benefit from this remedy for large pores by applying two tablespoons of honey on the most affected area. Leave on for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Finish with a cold water cleaning to finish closing more pores.

5. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is also another moisturizing and anti-inflammatory remedy , which will help keep facial skin hydrated and fight open pores. Simply extract the gel from a leaf of the plant and apply it directly on the face or areas where your pores are more large. Let dry for several minutes and rinse with cold water.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has many properties for the skin, and one of them is that it helps reduce open pores. Its properties make it act as a tonic, tightening the skin of the face . In addition it also acts as an anti-inflammatory and helps keep pores clean and free of bacteria.

To apply it, simply dilute a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in one of water, apply it on the face with the help of a cotton ball and let it dry to act.


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